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Performance Measurement Effectiveness Survey


Updated: Oct 6, 2021


There’s an old saying that “if you can measure it, you can manage it”. Organisations that perform better tend to measure better. Most leaders know this but find it hard to put this into practice.

This survey aims to better understand the barriers and enablers to effective performance measurement and the benefits to organisations that measure properly.

About The Survey

The survey has 15 thought provoking questions that should take ~3 minutes to complete (deadline is 6pm Monday 25th October).

We will present and publish the findings early in November.

If you are a consultant or advisor, please complete the survey on behalf of a recent client or organisation you have worked with. If you think your client would be interested to complete the survey, please forward to them too.

At the end of the survey there is an option to enter a draw for one of three UN SDG Badges and three John Kotter books.

If response rates are high, we will look to secure funding for a formal study working with national bodies and universities.

Please also let us know if you’d like to join a community of practice around performance measurement with informal online and in-person meet ups planned every month or two.

Ethics and Data Privacy

In collecting and analysing these results, we pull together sum

mary statistics and ensure that all attributions to individuals are removed.We use the platform SmartSurvey – a UK based platform

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